Art 204 A Line skirt



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Art 302 Single Girls 1960s

In the 1960s which was the second wave of feminism; feminine ideal: young, single, economically self-sufficient. Fashion photography was the norm to express during this period for single girl. During this period is when women started to go to college, look for job instead of being housewives and became independent support themselves rather than rely on men.

During this period not a lot of women can afford haute couture or expensive wardrobe thus the fashion magazine would create “the look” to advertise whereas the girl being photographed looks perfect with a well put together wardrobe, hair done, accessories and is a active women.

In the conclusion of this chapter talked about the difference between the feminine body and consumerism states. It refers that feminine body is when one wears and owns the wardrobe and see it as a new form of domination. As for consumerism, is just purchasing a garment, for example if a lady buys a plain sweat pant, is comfortable, and keeps her warm. Then her reason of purchase is to be comfortable not to look fashionable or attractive.

After reading all these chapters, it makes me question. Why do people care so much about their wardrobe and how they look? In the previous chapter it talked about how clothing was first meant for protection, keep us warm. But as the world began to develop and advance we have all these privilege to accessories ourselves to become someone that we identify with. There are people that would say they express their identity through the way they dress, so without clothing how would one express themselves? I never knew garments have so much history and meaning behind it, it just never occur to me to ever thought about it.

The apparel industry makes the most money I would say in this world other than food, because everyone has to wear clothing, but I feel like in our society clothing, wardrobe lost its cultural meaning because of our mass production of garments, and most of us wears so casual than comparing to the 18th century.

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Art 302 Manliness

Who say men are not into fashion, according to this book is proven that even men in the 18th century care a lot about their image. It says men would change 3 times during the day. From comfy, to causal, clothing to do chores in and clothes to look clean and go out. In the late 18 century men’s clothing began to change. Shifting from costume style clothing to more simple and casual wear to suits, and tuxedos. During this time they figure out a way to produce men clothing through of a common sizing instead of custom fitting clothing that is done by tailors. The problem they encounter is that even though they came out with a good device to produce it as a larger scale not everything was fitting right because everyone’s body structure is built differently. So if someone purchase something and it didn’t fit the way they wanted they would take it to a tailor and fix a little bit here and there. Although the invention of producing sizes for amounts of people is not easy but they came out with a mathematical cutting strategy for men’s body and obviously men are different in height, and weight. Thus that was one of the problem they ran into because during that time people still wear clothes that are more form fitting than now a days. Men now a days wear t-shirt, baggy jeans. I would say I have no idea when it comes to men’s clothing, I never bought a collar shirt or jeans for any guy before. But one thing I am sure is that although we were a lot of casual garments than before the goods sold at retail stores of the standard size; small, medium, large comes way more closer to our real size and form fitting than in the 18th century.

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Pegged Skirt





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Self Performing

In this chapter the books talks about how the nobles dressed in their most elaborate attire to have their portraits painted, this is similar to costumes they are worn in daily life by actors on stage. So this serves as a clue of behavioral relationship between acting in real life and in the theatre.
During the Elizabeth I period, many of our evidence we have today of that era of how they lived their lives and wardrobe comes from painting. The royals, upper class most of them have their portraits painted wearing extravagant outfits with fancy accessories and embroidery on their clothing. Although these people are not actors or actress in a way they are still acting because they are told to sit in a certain way and a certain expression and from that artist will draw what they see of the sitter and paint them.
What used to be considered everyday attire is now seen as costume that actors only wear during a play or movie. Although those clothing and wardrobe are very fancy and well put together I cannot imagine having to wear layers and layers of clothing; it will be so uncomfortable and so hard to move. These remind me of Chinese history of how the emperor and the royals will also wear extravagant clothing during the dynasty periods and they are also painted by an artist. These clothing is also what royal Chinese were everyday and is now seen as costumes as well. Mainly because now a days no one wears those type of clothing that’s why is can only be used as costumes for plays and movies. Costumes are very important to still have this type of wardrobe and attire passing on because it reflects part of history, heritage, culture who we are, and where we came from.

images from google image

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Dolman Long Sleeve Size 8

Dolman Long Sleeve Front

Dolman Long Sleeve Side

Dolman Long Sleeve Back

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Art 302 Reading Assignment # 5

What is identity?
According to, identity is defined as an “essential self: the set of characteristics that somebody recognizes as belonging uniquely to himself or herself and constituting his or her individual personality for life.”
So if we were to wear a mask and cover our face, for those we know us very well; family, close friends, and relatives, even if our half face is cover. They will still be able to recognize who we are, by our characteristics, personality, and personal appearance.
In the seventh century the upper class people wore masks to attend the masquerade ball, to conceal their identity. Men are allowed to approach women to chat, and dance. A mask can hide ones identity hoping other people do not recognize who is behind the mask, so people feel more willing to do things that they normally would not do. For example, if today I had a mask on and was at a party. I will definitely be more likely to approach someone, because I am normally pretty shy. I guess covering half of my face gives me some encouragement and confidence because other people don’t know who is behind the mask, so if I do something wrong or embarrassed myself I would not care as much.

Google Image

Although mask were used for upper class for social gatherings there is also another purpose for the mask known as a scold’s bridle or brank, use to punish women. According to, “brank were used to punish , nagging, slander, cursing, witchcraft and criticism of Christianity.” So the purpose of the device is a punishment for gossiping and bad mouthing, it is made to cover their mouth studded with spikes, so if the tongue moves, it will inflict pain and made it impossible to speak. After wearing she will be taken to the street to parade where everyone can scold, and beat her. This is a humiliation, although the woman has a mask on but still people know who she is because her face is not fully covered.


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Art 204 Skirt & Shorts



Size 8 Skirt



Size 8 Shorts


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Art 302 Observation of Dress Attire

Sunday October 7, 2012.

Self directed observation Location: The Grove

I choose the Grove to observe because I think is a very diversity hotspot for everyone to go during the weekends. There were people from all different age groups and ethnicity. As I was standing outside of the Apple Store I was looking at people passing by and observed how people were dressed. Most the attire for the older crowds, ages 30-50 were dressed very casual, and comfy. Because I would say most of older adults like to be comfortable walking around and shopping. But there is one group of middle age male adult I would guess they are about 40-50 that caught my eyes. There were standing right in front of me and they were pretty stylish, and preppy. So I took a glance at them, they looked pretty good for their age, so I was standing about 5 feet away from them and overheard they were introducing each other’s boyfriend to the other friends so then I thought oh no wonder these guys are stylish, cause they are gay. I am not being judgmental but a lot of gay men are very stylish because they really care about their appearance.

There were also a younger crowd aging from 16-24, their wardrobe are trendy. One girl was wearing what is popular this season a high low dress.

There were three other girls that are wearing pants; both are variation of pink color pants. I liked how the age groups were totally different. One of the girl that’s wearing a little darker pink color pants looks like she’s 16 and the other lady looks like she’s about 24. So I feel like fashion can be ranged and fit for all age groups, because as long the person wearing it likes their wardrobe and think they look good in it then I think that’s all it matter.

Another image I took was these two guys that I thought have a very unique style. They dressed kind of like a skater/punk. They have on baggy pants with a chain and one of the guys has a slick back tie pony tail.

There was also this African American lady she totally caught a lot of people’s attention as she was walking around at the grove. She had on this white with pattern pants suits, and a purse that looks like is for a 10 year old boy’s lunch box and she had these long braids that’s almost to her knee. I wish I had taken a picture of her. I was busy analyzing and just looking at how she’s dressed.

Overall, I learned in my observation that everyone has a unique style, from causal, fun, classy, and different. As long as the person that’s wear the clothes feels good and comfortable then that’s all they need. One’s person style and sense of fashion does not need the approval of others because that’s their identity and who they are.

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Masquerade ball is social gathering events which guests are require to wear the appropriate attire of a costume and a mask.

According to Audrey Star Josefek, who wrote the article, “the Masquerade Ball: what is it, and from where does it come? It states, “masquerade comes from the French word masque, meaning [mask]. Developed in an ancient part of France in the late middle ages, it was made most popular during the 16th and 17th centuries in England. 
A masque was a festive entertainment existing mostly in the rich aristocratic courts, though there was a public version (called a pageant). There was music and dancing, singing and acting, and stages were elaborate and over-done. Usually professionals were used, wearing masks, and the whole thing was a great amusement to all… and in the end, the players would take off their masks, revealing their identities.” So the purpose of the masquerade ball is a social event for the rich to gather and enjoy their time. Masks were used to conceal the identity of the wearer during the balls so no one know who they were dancing with, is almost like a game of guess who where people tried to guess the identities of the others.

The purpose of the masquerade is to hide behind the mask and conceal one’s identity in a fabulous fashionable way. At this event you can wear anything you want and be whoever you want and no one will know who is the person behind the mask until he or she decides to take it off. As human being we don’t like been see through meaning for people to look at us and see right through us because if they do they will see how weak and vulnerable we are. The mask is a way to be hidden and build a barrier to protect us.

The masquerade is still pretty popular in the fashion industry but the feel and style changed from in the 18th century to now, is used to be a social gathering event but now is use for fashion shows, performing art shows; theater, operas, movies. It is now used and seemed as a tool to promote shows and performance than for personal enjoyment as it was in the 18th century.

I would really want to attend a masquerade event because I can dress all fancy in a costume with a mask and just go have fun and is fun when people don’t know who’s underneath the mask


Pictures from google image

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